LT. TOUET WINS AN AIR MEDAL Serving With Combat Cargo Group Out of Air Base in India; Pilot of Cargo Plane From an Air Base in India (Special to Sentinel) - The Air Medal was recently awarded to Lt. ELIAS W. TOUET, of Osceola, a pilot serving with a Combat Cargo Group which operates under Major General George E. Stratemeyer's Allied Eastern Air Command. The award was made for participating in more than twenty-five aerial flights over enemy territory. The citation read, in part: "Flying through the most turbulent of weather and over extremely hazardous terrain, in heavily loaded, unarmed cargo aircraft, these pilots and aircrew members brought equipment, supplies and reinforcement to the forward areas. Their display of a devotion to duty and a degree of efficiency, above and beyond that normally expected, reflects credit on themselves and on the Army Air Forces of the United States."




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Last Revised June 14, 2015